Sometimes, the best way to get an idea for a solution is with a fresh set of eyes; with over 35-years doing professional specs, React Technical has some of the most experienced eyes around. Our estimating department meticulously evaluates your commercial project with our state-of-the-art estimation customized software, delivering timely results that make the most sense for your facility’s next logical step forward. Our goal is to provide a clear picture of how to get where you want to go—our customized diagrams and flowcharts paint that picture better than any mechanical contractor in the New York City area. In 3 to 5 days, you’ll have a better idea of what the next step is than you ever thought was possible.

Proven to maximize your capabilities

for a cost-effective rate!

HVAC Specs

We look to take care of general contractors and construction managers with our highly specific planning process. Your HVAC needs to make the most sense for the facility that you have, not for anyone else’s. That’s why our customized solutions are just that: customized, for you, and you alone.

Drawing on our many years of experience, React Technical provides sound, rational mechanical contracting services that have proven to maximize your capabilities for a cost-effective rate. There’s no sense in installing a system that’s not 100% correct for your facility. Employee productivity and equipment functioning can be drastically affected if temperatures aren’t regulated and if your system isn’t operating as it should—for customized solutions for heating, ventilating, and air, call React Technical. When’s the last time you made sure your HVAC made the most sense for your facility?