OSHA Certifications
React Technical wants to ensure that every project we pursue is done in an efficient, cost-effective, and safe manner. All of our experienced HVAC service technicians have completed the required local Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certifications related to the services they perform at your site.
We know how important it is to deliver personalized, exceptional service for your project—that’s why we make sure that every technician understands proper safety planning. At a minimum, every technician has completed a 10-hour OSHA certification program. After going through this training program, our technicians are able to take appropriate safety precautions and eliminate any safety threats in accordance with OSHA standards.
Our teams are also provided with requisite up-to-date personal protective equipment and are well versed in the uses and limitations of that equipment. In addition to that, all React project and service managers and site supervisors have completed a 30-hour OSHA certification program.
Our Safety Management Program
ensures our technicians and team make every ones safety their first priority!
Our Safety Management Program
In addition to constantly reevaluating our process for optimal results, we also review our safety procedures to ensure they meet every standard within the industry and for your specific project. React’s comprehensive Safety Management Program includes monthly safety training, field supervisor job site audits, technician job safety analyses, and other key risk-assessment strategies.
Your HVAC system isn’t the only thing we look to streamline: We also audit our procedures with the same diligent focus that we use to audit your facility for errors and discrepancies. When you partner with us, you’ll find our approach to managing safety is as diligent and detailed as our approach to fixing your HVAC equipment.
React ensures all HVAC service technicians have completed the required local Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety certifications related to the service performed at your site. At minimum, all technicians have completed an OSHA 10-hr certification program and are provided with the up to date personal protective equipment (PPE), trained on it uses and limitations. React’s Safety Management Program includes monthly safety training, field supervisor job site audits, technician job safety analyses and other key risk assessment strategies.
If React isn’t constantly evaluating our service for areas of improvement, then we’re not giving your facility the best chance for positive growth. React Technical is constantly participating in self-improvement exercises to hold ourselves accountable because we take HVAC safety seriously and we want to avoid taking safety risks. Choose an HVAC service provider that wants to actively improve and provide superior service—if we remain stagnant and resistant to improvement, then we’re not doing our job.